Become a Demooz Ambassador

Would you like to become an ambassador for your favorite brand or product? Receive the latest products on the market free of charge?
Register on our platform and start applying now for our current recruitment campaigns.

How does it work?

Take the plunge and apply to one of our recruitment programs.

If your profile is selected, you'll become a brand or company ambassador.

Your role: share your experience with others and promote your favorite brand or company!

Discover your new challenges every month.

You'll have a dedicated space for your operation, where you can access your challenges and track your activity.

Our animation team will be on hand throughout your adventure to support you and help you succeed in your mission!

Complete your missions and earn monthly rewards: percentage discounts on your product, vouchers for your favorite store, exclusive gifts.

Demooz gives you access to unique and privileged experiences.

Become an ambassador

Take the plunge and apply to one of our recruitment programs.

If your profile is selected, you'll become a brand or company ambassador.

Your role: share your experience with others and promote your favorite brand or company!

Fulfill your missions

Discover your new challenges every month.

You'll have a dedicated space for your operation, where you can access your challenges and track your activity.

Our animation team will be on hand throughout your adventure to support you and help you succeed in your mission!

Earn rewards

Complete your missions and earn monthly rewards: percentage discounts on your product, vouchers for your favorite store, exclusive gifts.

Demooz gives you access to unique and privileged experiences.

Sign up

See all our
current recruitment

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If you are already registered with Demooz, go to the community interface by clicking below.